
I Hereby release and forever discharge Eastover, all sponsoring organizations and their directors, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from any responsibility, personal liability, claims, loss or damage arising out of my participation in the show(s).

If accepted, Eastover has my permission to reproduce my artwork through the images I have submitted for the purpose of promoting, advertising and marketing their shows. I agree to abide by all payment and cancellation schedules. I understand that booth fee deposits are non-refundable once accepted. I further consent to the enforcement of all Eastover rules as set forth in the application Policies & Procedures.

Submission of Images

Images must be submitted for all entrants and for any returning exhibitor. Please submit 1-5 photos of current work representative of the work you will display and show at the Eastover Summer Arts Festival.

All images need to be labeled with the following information: artist name, title, medium, and size. All images must have a completed application form enclosed with them. If you are sending images by jpegs, include all submission information.

All jpegs should be sent to FESTIVAL@eastover.com, with the subject including your name and Eastover Festival Submission (Example: Smith Eastover Festival Submission). Use the highest possible resolution.

Fees & Payment Schedule

  • There is a $25 non-refundable early application fee for applying 4 weeks or more in advance of the display date. For applications 3 weeks or LESS in advance, the fee increases to $35,
  • An additional $100 security deposit is due upon acceptance.
  • Application fee and Deposit may be paid by credit card or check. If paying by check, please provide a separate check for application fee and booth deposit. Make checks payable to Eastover Hotel and Resort.
  • Deposit fee will be charged to your account or check deposited only if you are accepted.
  • The balance of your booth fee and Security Fee deposit must be paid by the due date in order to finalize your acceptance.
  • Balance due payments received after postmarked due date must include a $40 late fee.
  • A $35 handling fee will be charged for all returned checks.

Deposits & Refunds

  • All cancellations must be made in writing or email; or confirmed by phone. (can’t quite make out writing for this)
  • Application fees are non-refundable.
  • Your $(___?????_____) deposit check secures your booth and is your commitment to exhibit. These deposits are not refundable.
  • If you cancel in writing 60 days prior to the show, you will receive a refund equal to 60% of your total booth fee. Cancellations made thereafter and more than 40 days prior to the show will be granted a 30% refund. Within 30 days of the show there shall be no refund.

Late Application

  • Applications received after deadline will be considered subject to availability and charged a $10 late application fee.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Your signed application form implies a contract with Eastover Hotel & Resort affirming that you are ready, willing and able to participate in the event. Therefore, all payments will be due, checks will be deposited, and credit cards will be charged on the balance due date, unless we have a verified written cancellation


  • The intention of the Festival is to offer Artists a wide variety of three day weekends for the benefit of the Artist showing their work to a dedicated audience. Each weekend is a separate show event and requires a separate application for each weekend. All offers of lodging, food, security and grounds display apply to ONLY the weekend that the Artist applies for. Ying – I’m sorry but I can’t read your handwritten notes on this – please type in your instructions here:
  • Artists must arrive on each Thursday, with setup scheduled for Friday mornings.
  • Artists must display a minimum of three days. They are responsible for breaking down and cleaning up their area or an additional grounds fee will apply. Booth breakdown must occur by Sunday evening.
  • All worked displayed in either craft or fine art must be original and handmade by the artist. Work from molds, kits, imports, manufactured goods or ready-made products which have been embellished, painted or decorated, dyed or batiked will not be accepted.
  • All booths must be enclosed on three sides (except corners). Minimum height is 6 ft. This is a requirement. No exceptions.
  • Exhibitors will supply their own display tent. Minimum size no smaller than 8 x 10. Rental tents are also available on site for a reasonable fee. Please call ahead to reserve one.
  • Booth sharing is not permitted.
  • Reproductions must be signed and numbered, and marked ‘reproductions’, and cannot make up more than 30% of the display, must be matted and displayed in portfolio type bins.
  • An application is a commitment to participate. Refunds will be made according to specific guidelines found under Deposits & Refunds.
  • Jewelry may only be shown if the artist has been accepted in the jewelry category.
  • No sale signs are permitted. All signs must have a professional look. No hand written signs are permitted.
  • Any willful violation or misrepresentation regarding the work as defined in our rules will result in forfeiture of space.


  1. CANCELLATON OF SHOW. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties that said show may be cancelled by EASTOVER. In the event of any cancellation initiated by EASTOVER, the management EASTOVER will be liable only for all monies paid in by the exhibitor, and management will not be liable for any other damages. EASTOVER will not be held liable to any vendors for any reason.
  2. DIVISION OF SPACE. All rights granted to the exhibitor hereunder are personal, and management will not permit the transferring or assigning of spaces or the exhibition of anything not specified in the Contract.
  3. PRE-PAYMENT. In the event of non-payment or partial non-payment of the account, any partial payments made will be forfeited to management and resale of the booth space will commence with reimbursement of deposits made only at the discretion of management and in the event of full resale of equal or greater value of the booth space.
  4. CHARACTER OF EXHIBIT. The management may decline and prohibit the installation of any exhibit or the display of any item included therein not approved by management. Distribution by the exhibitors of any printed matter, souvenirs, or other articles shall be restricted to within the space occupied by their exhibits or be approved by management. All exhibitors making statements, representations, and comparisons for their products will do so in an accurate and positive manner. Throwing souvenirs, loud shouting, public address systems, microphones or any unnecessary noise will not be permitted. All aisle space belongs to the Festival. No exhibits, advertising or signs will be allowed to extend beyond the space allotted to the exhibitor and cannot exceed a 10’height (for indoor spaces) or the height of the event tent (for outdoor spaces) without special permission from Festival Management. A representative of the exhibiting Artist must be present in the booth at all times. No more than one Artist can exhibit products per booth.
  5. WITHDRAWAL, ETC., OF EXHIBITOR. No monies paid by the exhibitor to management shall be refundable to the exhibitor if the exhibitor withdraws or otherwise refuses to exhibit in the Exposition. Management shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to prohibit any exhibitor from exhibiting in the Exhibition, whether before or after the Exhibition opens, in which event management shall refund to the exhibitor the monies paid by it to the management, or if the Exposition has already opened, then a pro rata portion of the monies so paid by the exhibitor to management at the full discretion of management. Management shall not be liable to the exhibitor for any other monies or damages, or for any expenses incurred by the exhibitor by reason of management’s exercise of its discretion to require the exhibitor to withdraw. The exhibitor shall be liable to management for all legal fees, sheriffs’ fees, court costs, and other expenses incurred by management in enforcing any of its rights under this agreement.
  6. EXHIBITION ERECTION. Indoor exhibits may be installed as early as Thursday, July5, 2012 at 8am and must be ready for exhibition no later than 12 pm that Friday. The management will not allow any moving of exhibits or excessive noise during open exhibition times.
  7. EXHIBIT CLOSING. For indoor spaces, the area of the occupied exhibit must be thoroughly cleaned at the close of the show. For outdoor spaces, the area of the occupied exhibit must be thoroughly cleaned at the close of that day’s exhibition, regardless of whether the vendor intends to exhibit the following day. The lawn and parking areas of the event property must remain intact after exhibits has been removed. Holes made by poles, tents, vehicles, or other fixtures must be filled in to the satisfaction of the facility director. All equipment supplied by the vendor must be removed from the property no later than the LAST DATE OF ARTIST SHOWING.
  8. ACTS OF GOD OR NATURE. Both the Property Owner and Event Manager will not be held liable for time or monies lost due to acts of God or nature. In the event of a lightning storm or wind storm deemed dangerous by Management, outdoor exhibits must be cleared for the duration of the storm and vendors can resume use of these exhibition spaces once all threat of lightening or high winds has passed. Exhibition spaces will not be cleared for rain, snow, or minor wind. Refunds will not be given.
  9. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Exhibitors must comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances enforced in the community.
  10. ALCOHOL SALES. In no instance will the sales of alcohol be permitted. This rule applies to both open and closed containers. All alcohol sales will be sponsored by the Property Owner, and will take place in alcohol-designated areas. Edible items containing cooked alcohol will be permitted only at the discretion of the Event Manager and Property Owner. For such items, a written request must be made no less than 2 weeks before the event date and written approval received.
  11. INSURANCE. If insurance is desired, exhibitors must provide insurance for their exhibits at their own expense. Management assumes no responsibility for the care of exhibits. It is understood that outdoor security is not available.
  12. LIABILITY. Exhibitors shall provide their own insurance against theft, damage or loss of their own work. Management will not be liable for any damage done to exhibits by fire, casualty, or any natural element. Nor will it be liable for injuries to exhibitors, their employees, agents, or third parties for damage to property in their custody, owned or controlled by them, that claims for damages, injuries, etc. may be incidental to, arise from or be connected with their use or occupation of space, and the Exhibitors shall indemnify and hold Management harmless against any such claim. All exhibitors assume full liability and shall hold Management harmless from any claims for injury to persons or property within or near the booth assigned to and occupied by them that may be caused by or result from any act or omission on the part of any agency or employee of the Exhibitor, or caused by or result from any demonstration by the Exhibitor.
  13. WALL DISPLAYS. For indoor vendors only, items may be attached to the wall immediately behind the vendor table and extending up to 10’ above the floor. Exhibitors must supply their own exhibit / display panels and prevent attachment to any existing walls. Nails, screws, or tapes known to damage wall finishes may not be used.
  14. SPACE RE-ARRANGEMENTS. To ensure the safety and beauty of this Exposition and the equitable treatment of all exhibitors, the exhibitor hereby gives the management the right to alter, at its discretion, the location of the space in the Exposition selected by the exhibitor.
  15. EXHIBIT REMOVAL. In no instance will an exhibit be removed before previously stated removal times. Exhibitors who do not comply with this rule and dismantle their exhibit before the agreed upon time, will, in doing so, forfeit their right to participation at the 2013 Eastover Arts Festival. All exhibits must be removed from the buildings and from the property no later than the previously stated times. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in a $200.00 penalty, payable to EASTOVER